Monday, February 7, 2011


I didn't go to my convocation. I thought that I could just saunter into York and pick up my diploma after my graduation date. Turns out I was wrong. I had to wait an extra month and a half. I was stressed out the whole time because the application is a first come first serve process and I didn't want to miss out.

I could finally pick it up and instantly made photocopies - I don't think I mentioned this before but photocopy/scan EVERYTHING.

I went to my town hall because I thought that they did free notarizing, but I was wrong. Instead, the lady gave me a list of all the lawyers in my town that did it and the price ranges.

This time, I decided to go to a cheaper lawyer. The lady was SUPER nice, she told me that her son was abroad as well and she genuinely seemed interested in what I was doing. She printed me out a letter, and had this really fancy seal on my photocopy before she stamped it. When she was done, she told me that she wasn't going to charge me and wished me the best.

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