Monday, February 7, 2011


The next step was to mail my documents to my recruiter. Here is the list:

- A photocopy of my passport
- A photocopy of my driver's license
- A photocopy of my degree that's been notarized and consulated
- My CRC that's been notarized and consulated
- A photocopy of my CRC
- Two copies of my transcripts that are sealed
- My first reference letter
- A photocopy of my reference letter
- My second reference letter
- A photocopy of my reference letter
- My 10 page application form with my actual signature and a passport photo
- A photocopy of my 10 page application
- Two passport photos
- Proof that I am currently talking a TEFL course

$80 later, I thought everything was going to be dandy...

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